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7 Maggio 2017

Hello! My name is Evelina, but everyone here calls me Eva. I’m 20 years old girl from Latvia. Here, in Palermo, I am already for 7 months which seems to be a long time but it went so fast- probably because we’re (me and other volunteers) having so much fun together!

Just before coming here I finished studies (as makeup artist) and was ready for new adventures. I’ve never lived in another country so this seemed such a great opportunity to combine passion for volunteering and trying something new!e to edit.

With my housemate, friend and volunteer Meryem – after this photo everyone started to tell us that we look like twins, at least sisters.

Here I am working in youth center called San Giovani Apostolo onlus – helping with homework, making creative workshops and playing games. At first it was hard because of lack of language as we could communicate just in Italian and gaining children trust…

I also worked with kids before but this for sure is new and mind changing experience from what I can learn and pass it after returning home.

Making bookmarks with kids- just giving materials, idea and letting them be creative in their own way.

I’m happy about my project… It challenges me a lot to train patience, acceptance and sometimes don’t take everything so seriously.