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March 22 2023

With a budget of 1 billion and 250 million euros, Resto al Sud, the incentive of the National Agency for attracting investments and business development SpA (Invitalia), supports the birth and development of entrepreneurial activities and free professionals in regions such as Abruzzo, Basilicata, Calabria, Campania, Molise, Puglia, Sardinia, Sicily. Today the audience of recipients includes those aged between 18 and 55.

The measure is aimed at the expansion or creation from scratch of productive activities in the sectors of industry, craftsmanship, processing of agricultural products, pesca and aquaculture; provision of services to businesses and people; tourism; trade and freelance activities (both individually and corporately).

One is expected coverage of up to 100% of costsa maximum financing of 50 thousand euros for each applicant. Expenses will be incurred for renovation or extraordinary maintenance of real estate; machinery, plants and equipment; new computer programs and services for technologies, information and telecommunications; management costs.

I'm staying in the South It does not provide deadlines or rankings. To find out more, consult the web page here.