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Co-funded by the European Union
The partnership that implements the project LYM is made up of 10 civil society organizations from 9 different European countries.
Each partner contributes to the various activities with national and international activities and with their own specific working methodologies.

Click on the corresponding row to find out more.

THEAssociazione InformaGiovani was founded in 2001 on the initiative of a group of volunteers who managed the desk InformaGiovani of the city of Palermo, the association of the same name is today the coordinating body of a European network for social volunteering which has 16 members in 14 countries of the European Union and partnerships with organizations from all continents.

The association has the following purposes:

  1. the protection and promotion of civil rights, with particular reference to the rights of minors and young people, as enshrined in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child;
  2. the promotion of young people's right to information and participation;
  3. the protection of social and collective interests, with particular reference to young people and students;
  4. the promotion of local and international volunteering as a tool for action and social inclusion.

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Since 2007, the Divers Association has been promoting knowledge, recognition and respect for diversities (cultural, ethnic, social, linguistic, religious, gender, etc.) expressed by a fair implementation of human rights, democratic values, equal opportunities, non-violence, all supported by active citizenship. They are committed to an inclusive and intercultural society based on European values ​​while preserving the social and cultural diversity, developed over the centuries, with a special focus on issues associated with Roma and their communities.

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Sardinian press is a free trade union association that adheres to FNSI, the unitary national union of Italian journalists and has as its main purposes: the defense of freedom of the press, the plurality of information bodies, the protection of moral and material rights and interests of the category.

The Sardinian Press Association has as its main purposes: the defense of press freedom, the plurality of information bodies, the protection of the rights and moral and material interests of the category in Sardinia.

The Association offers assistance to individual colleagues and to company trade union structures (Committees and editorial trustees).

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Aventura Marão Clube (AMC) is a local association, of public benefit and non-profit, created in 1993 by a group of young people from Amarante with the mission of promoting healthy lifestyles among the population, especially young people, of Amarante. It has more than 400 members and 3 sections: mountain biking, canoeing and fair trade. AMC opened, in 1999, the first Portuguese fair trade shop and, in 2008, the CJ Amarante (youth centre, hostel and vegetarian restaurant/bar), a pioneering project that successfully combines the use of a public building with our private management. AMC has already coordinated more than 150 projects, mostly European, and directly involved 6000 young people (of which 2000 local) in mobility and international participation activities. She is therefore very committed to promoting Europe and its values ​​among the local youth community. AMC is also an accredited body for Erasmus+ KA1 and holds the quality mark forESC.

Main objectives:

  • Development of personal, social and professional skills;
  • Promotion of the values ​​of volunteering and SOLIDARITY in the daily life of the community;
  • Sustainable practices that seek to present life alternatives.

Main activities:

  1. Development of sports and naturalistic activities;
  2. Promotion of fair trade;
  3. Coordination by CJ Amarante;
  4. Development and participation in local and international projects.

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Fundació Privada Ficat is a private non-profit organization with the mission of promoting equity and social justice through hospitality, defending human rights through advocacy and human development actions. The institution's actions focus on vulnerable people and groups, such as seekers and beneficiaries of international protection, people deprived of their liberty, migrants at risk of social exclusion, young migrants and unaccompanied minors in vulnerable conditions. The association's areas of intervention are as follows: Residential reception and social-work inclusion programme; Socio-legal program; Training program; Awareness program. Ficat manages five residential facilities providing a complete accompaniment service within the Nausica Municipal Program for Refugees and a facility for extradited young people within the Youth Support Area of ​​the Generalitat de Catalunya. As far as accompaniment services are concerned, Ficat is a point of reference in assisting young foreigners without a social and family network in prison; immigrants and refugees. The Ficat training program has provided courses to obtain first reception certificates for migrants in Catalonia. Finally, the Awareness Program aims to strengthen the social and democratic rights of our society.

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INACH is the leading network within the EU and globally that fights cyber hate using a holistic approach that combines monitoring, content removal, educational methods, international cooperation, advocacy and technology at the avant-garde. With 34 members from 27 countries, we are at the forefront of tackling hate online and bringing what is online into human rights. INACH has its office/secretary in Amsterdam. The secretariat acts as a liaison between all members. Facilitates and organizes meetings, events, training, data collection and analysis, and other activities in which members are involved. It also helps members build consortia and apply for joint projects.

We promote online respect, responsibility and citizenship by tackling cyber hate, extremism and incitement to violence and raising awareness of online discrimination. We actively strengthen human rights and mutual respect for the rights and reputations of all Internet users, ensuring a safer network.

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INEX – Association for Voluntary Activities – is an NGO founded in 1991 whose main activities are focused on the area of ​​international volunteering and intercultural education. For the association it is important to live in a society where people respect each other and are responsible to the world around them. They believe that volunteering and cooperating locally and globally is the path to mutual understanding and non-violence. They create opportunities for active participation in society and for acquiring knowledge and experience. They help to develop personal, civic and professional life. The activities mainly consist of organizing volunteer camps, where they help people on a local scale. They also organize workshops and educational projects, where people can learn more about the work of the association, but also how they can contribute to a better future. Volunteering is necessary in today's world and the INEX association is committed to making it more widespread.

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Regionalne Centrum Wolontariatu was established in 1997 as a Foundation program to support local democracy. It has been an independent association since 2005. The main objectives of the organization are: to help people understand the idea of ​​volunteering and to educate young people about alternative ways of spending their free time and helping others. They help people find a place to use their skills as volunteers. They also prepare new volunteers for this type of work by teaching them the basics of Polish law, volunteering and non-governmental organizations. Volunteers work for non-governmental organizations, cultural organizations, public administrations, schools and kindergartens, during sporting events, festivals and charity actions, and as support for elderly and disabled people in daily activities. They also prepare courses and workshops for leaders and coordinators of organizations, to prepare them to involve volunteers in their activities. They work with anyone who wants to become a volunteer. Most of the employment office users are students who use volunteering as practice before regular work. The Regionalne Centrum Wolontariatu is an institution that connects organizations with people. They collaborate with institutions such as social welfare homes, kindergartens, museums, theaters, NGOs working with children and the elderly, student organizations, youth associations, cultural houses, schools, etc.
RVC uses non-formal education and in particular ETS methods when working with young people. They have experience managing a Training Regional point of Youth in Action, of a ESC and more. We deal with KA1 projects, KA2 Strategic Partnerships and KA3 EYW Events.

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Service Volontaire International (SVI) is a French non-profit, apolitical and non-religious association created and managed by and for young people. We accompany anyone who wants to get involved in international volunteering projects in more than 80 countries in Europe and worldwide. Every year, nearly a thousand volunteers are involved in around 2000 community and citizen projects that aim to be accessible to as many people as possible: no qualification is required!

SVI promotes a more just, peaceful and supportive society by raising awareness and involving young people aged 16 to 35 in voluntary projects and international solidarity. SVI wants to encourage its volunteers to be active in the society they live in and help them become responsible citizens of the world. SVI encourages learning about intercultural relationships and seeks to make young people aware of the challenges of globalization and the importance of the associative world for the development of local communities, here and elsewhere. SVI defends a vision of non-commercial international mobility accessible to all.

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You in Europe is a non-profit civil society organisation based in Northern Greece. At first glance… in essence, You in Europe is a space of ideas, a multidimensional social body, for all those who love lifelong learning. You in Europe believes that everyone has the potential to participate actively in society, in a meaningful way, improving social cohesion through personal development. Therefore, the association creates programmes open to all that, through non-formal education and experiential learning, give everyone the opportunity to actively participate in the shaping of society. Through paths of solidarity, unity and creative participation we learn, communicate and contribute.

What does he do? It continuously offers incentives to young people, adults, social and professional groups to travel, broaden their horizons and develop themselves through non-formal education activities. As? Through various EU mobility initiatives, such as Erasmus, the EU's Education, Training, Youth and Sport+ programme, the European Solidarity Corps, etc. All the actions we carry out under Erasmus+ offer participants the opportunity to study, train, gain professional experience and volunteer abroad. And all this for free or at minimal cost, as the actions are funded by the EU.

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