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The online course, created as part of the project LYM  financed byXNUMX-XNUMX business days, consists of 7 modules aimed at exploring the topic of fake-news and useful tools to identify and counter any form of disinformation.

Course participants will have the opportunity to acquire critical skills to responsibly evaluate information coming from different media sources, thus promoting the production and consumption of quality information.

Access is free and open to all. Click here to go to the course!

The online course, created as part of the project LYM financed byXNUMX-XNUMX business days, addresses the topic of hate speech online, which undermine social cohesion, fuel extremism and lead to increased polarization within communities. The aim is to equip participants with the skills to identify hate speech, adopt effective strategies to counter it, combat discrimination and promote social harmony.

Access is free and open to all. Click here to go to the course!

The online course, created as part of the project LYM financed byXNUMX-XNUMX business days, delves into the main ones programs that the European Union offers, to encourage the active participation of young people and adults and promote rights.

Access is free and open to all. Click here to go to the course!

Five interviews with representatives of European institutions and non-governmental organizations and volunteers from all over Europe

1) “Erasmus+ opportunities: more than studying abroad!”


2) “Volunteering throughout Europe: the European Solidarity Corps”


3)”Inequality matters: the EU for an inclusive environmental citizenship (CERV)”


4)”Tackling gender-based violence together: a CERV Daphne project”


5)”Intercultural summer camp to REMEMBER: a CERV Remembrance project”