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Political priorities of the European Commission
The “Creative Europe” Program
Erasmus + 
- The transversal priorities of Erasmus+
- Erasmus for young people
- Initiatives for all young people
- School students
- University students, recent graduates and doctoral students
- Professional training students and recent graduates
- Erasmus+ for youth and socio-educational workers
- Erasmus+ for sports sector staff
- Erasmus+ for education and training staff
- Erasmus+ for Organisations, Bodies and Institutions
- Erasmus+ accreditation
- Key Action 1: Learning mobility of individuals
- Key action 2: Innovation and cooperation between organizations and institutions
- Cooperative partnerships including small-scale ones
- Capacity building and strengthening (Youth Sector) *
- Capacity building and strengthening with Erasmus Mundus *
- Key Action 3: Support for policy development and cooperation
- Erasmus for sports organisations
- Erasmus+ accreditation
European Solidarity Corps (ESC) 
- The transversal priorities of the European Solidarity Corps
- ESC for the young people
- ESC for organizations
- Host volunteers in your community or coordinate projects –
- Sending volunteers to humanitarian aid projects
CERV – Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values 
- The values of the Union
- Equality, rights and gender issues
- Involvement and participation of citizens
- Daphne. Actions against violence, including gender-based violence
The Council of Europe 
- European Youth Foundation and European Youth Centres
- The partnership between CoE and European Commission
Other European initiatives and opportunities
- ALMA (Aim, Learn, Master, Achieve)
- Erasmus for young entrepreneurs and businesswomen
- EURES. Support work in Europe
- Eures TMS
- Eurodyssey. Internships between the Regions
- Internships in EU institutions, bodies and agencies
- Stage4EU: the App for internships in European institutions (only in Italian)
Other useful resources
- European Youth Portal
- National Youth Councils in Europe
- European Youth Forum
- The European Dialogue with Young People
- EPSO – Starting a career in the European institutions
- STAGE4EU – Portal for finding internships in Europe (only in Italian)
- Eryica – Quality youth information in Europe
- eurodesk – Information and guidance network on learning mobility
- OTLAS – Find partners and youth projects
- Salto – Resources and initiatives for training in the youth sector
- Youth Wiki. European encyclopedia on national youth policies
It is important to note that, in addition to providing general information on each of the programs listed, in cases where several strands/actions are envisaged, this Guide includes only those which, according to our evaluation and opinion, may be of interest to young people and for organisations/institutions working with and for young people. Complete information on each program and all its actions can be found via the external links contained in the Guide.